This video update of Mountain Lion Agriculture’s Model Farm was filmed July 2015 on site and details some basic farming techniques we are disseminating to our smallholder suppliers – techniques specifically tried and tested to maximize their growth while keeping costs down and things simple.  We also take you through our “Multi-User” farm pilot and related CSR.

2015 has been a tough year for our Company and smallholder suppliers, but Mountain Lion Agriculture has persevered and we are continuing to enhance food security in Sierra Leone while helping a record number of smallholder rice farmers. In Q1 and Q2 of 2015 our Company gave interest-free seed loans to 1,142 smallholders and purchased raw rice from over 4200 small farmers in Sierra Leone.

None of the above would be possible without the outstanding support, equipment, inputs and services we receive from our dedicated partners and suppliers.  Mountain Lion Agriculture would therefore like to thank the following:


Sarona Asset Management

The Africa Enterprise Challenge Fund

Alvan Blanch

American International Line 

Bob Lamb Co.


J.L. & Marci Ford

Josh Biemond & Genesis Soil Rite